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Director: Todd Douglas Miller
93, G
Screenwriter: The soundtrack, based on the analog synthesizers of 1969, is by Matt Morton.
Cast: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins.
NASA has opened its vaults with largely unseen film of the 1969 moon landing, in a new documentary that can only be described as full of wonder. The film (originally shot on large format 65 millimeter) will thrill two different groups of people with its original footage and audio, no voice-over necessary. Most people over 50 remember watching the first moon landing on TV as it happened, the culmination of a forward-looking dream of progress. Those under 50 may find themselves amazed by the near-crazy boldness of the mission, especially with the now-clunky-looking technology at NASA’s command. Either way, Apollo 11 is a must-see on the big screen, with brilliant images of an eerie moonscape, and the startlingly blue, vulnerable planet we call home.
“Apollo 11 isn’t like other documentaries about the first moon mission. In fact it isn’t like most other movies, period. It’s magnificent and unique, an adrenaline shot of wonder and skill.” Matt Zoller Seitz, rogerebert.com.