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Director: Wes Anderson
2018, US, 101, PG-13
Screenwriter: Wes Anderson and Konichi Nomura.
Cast: Voiced by: Bryan Cranston, Bill Murray, Koyu Rankin, Scarlett Johansson, Konichi Nomura, Tilda Swinton, Yoko Ono.
Combining Wes Anderson’s love for Japanese cinema and furry pups (who knew?), the director’s new stop-motion animated movie takes the artistry of The Fantastic Mr. Fox and brings it to a new level of delight! Isle of Dogs is set in an alternate Japan led by a Kurosawa-style tyrant, who has exiled all canines to Trash Island. However, he doesn’t know that his 12-year-old nephew Atari, so desperate to find his beloved Spots, has run off to Trash Island to track him down. And oh, the dogs he will meet: a gang of gossipy mutts led by Boss (Bill Murray), a sultry purebred (Scarlett Johansson), a loner named Chief (Bryan Cranston), and a pug oracle voiced by Tilda Swinton.
“It’s true that Isle of Dogs is a parable about scapegoating, political hysteria, and deportation. But it is also – at its best – a film about dogs. May they never go unpetted.” – Christopher Orr, the Atlantic.