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Director: Jay Dockendorf


Screenwriter: Jay Dockendorf

Cast: Kerwin Johnson Jr., Curtiss Cook Jr., Ashleigh Awusie, Annie Grier


The Winner of the Jury Award and the Best Actors Award at the Outfest Los Angeles opens on the big screen at Cinestudio, presented by the Queer Thursdays. It’s amazing how precious New York City of a few years ago already feels, buzzing with dreams, ambition, and un-socially distanced passion. Naz (Kerwin Johnson Jr) and Maalik (Curtiss Cook Jr.), are Black high school kids from Brooklyn’s Bed-Stuy, trying to earn college money by selling lottery tickets on the street. Fresh and funny, their friendship turns to stolen moments of romance – in spite of their conservative Muslim families and the undercover surveillance of the FBI.

“Much praise must be paid to newcomers Cook and Johnson. as the lead duo. They code switch between devout Muslims, urban teens, and gay youth, constantly measuring how to present their identities to the world and each other.” – Katie Walsh,
