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Director: Directed and filmed and co-edited by Ron Fricke.

1992, 108

Cast: Music by Michael Stearns, Dead Can Dance, David Hykes/The Harmonic Choir, Somet Satoh, Kohachiro Miyata, Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery, the Rustavi Choir, and more.


So much has been changed, lost, or put temporarily on hold in 2020. We cannot suggest pre-movie pot luck suppers, or promise a theater filled to the rafters with a movie lovers. What we do promise is the return of the awesome experience that is Baraka in ToddAO at Cinestudio. What better time to follow director/cinematographer Ron Fricke to six continents and 24 countries, to seek out the diversity of spiritual expression from chanting Buddhist monks to the ecstasy of Sufi Whirling Dervishes. And with eyes open, we also see how humans have damaged our fragile, beautiful planet.

“Baraka” is a Sufi word that…means essence or breath or, most commonly, blessing. And that’s what this stunning, unimaginably beautiful film is – a blessing.” Hal Hinson, Washington Post.
