Blow Up My Life

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Director: Ryan Dickie and Abigail Horton
2023, 80min.
Join us for a Q & A with the writing and directing team of Ryan Dickie and Abigail Horton, as they introduce the Connecticut premiere of their new film! Winner of the Best Film Award at the Harlem International Film Festival, Blow Up My Life is creating quite a buzz as it plays at film festivals around the country. Political comedian Jason Selvig, two-time Tony nominee Kara Young and Broadway actor Ben Horner star in this wild comedy adventure about a disgraced pharmaceutical employee who accidentally discovers a deadly opioid vape conspiracy. He and his cousin Charlie create chaos in their wake, as they ditch their ordinary lives to go on the run and expose the ruthless criminals. Guerilla moviemaking at its best, Blow Up My Life was shot in Middletown, CT in only18 days – and with the fraction of the budget of many a mindless Hollywood blockbuster. “A strong cast, a slick production style, and a compelling story that, though fictional, is all too familiar and plausible…” – Greg Gilman,