Divine Intervention (7pm-Free Screening)

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Director: Elia Suleiman
This free Screening Event, part of our Palestinian Film Series, was made possible with sponsorship support from the Trinity Arts Initiative.
Cinestudio continues the series on Palestinian film that we began last spring. Last year, we screened four excellent documentaries, and so this year, we’ve decided to focus on feature films. Specifically, we’ll be hosting a retrospective, Exploring Elia Suleiman: A Retrospective, over three consecutive Fridays in November. Suleiman is a Palestinian artist of great significance, and we are pleased to offer some of his rarely screened films to a wider audience.
Surreal black comedy. A series of vignettes mostly about a Palestinian living in Nazareth whose girlfriend lives several checkpoints away in Ramallah.
Nominated for Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival 2002, refused admission nomination for “Best Foreign Film” at 2002 Oscars because of Palestinian statelessness.