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Director: Todd Phillips.
Screenwriter: Todd Phillips and Scott Silver, based on DC comics characters.
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Zazie Beetz, Robert De Niro, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen, and Dante Pereira-Olson .
It turns out that the idea to film an origin story for the Joker that is more Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver than superhero blockbuster, came from the mind of actor Joaquin Phoenix. Like Robert De Niro’s turn as cabbie Travis Bickle, Phoenix’s Joker is a raw, lived performance that goes deep into the isolation behind the inevitable explosion of violence. Working as a clown, the Joker dreams of celebrity and fame. Unfortunately for Gotham’s good citizens, his dreams always seem out of reach. The superb cast also features Robert De Niro as a talk show host, Zazie Beetz as a sympathetic neighbor, and Dante Pereira-Olson as the young Batman-in-training. Don’t miss The Joker in 4k Ultra High definition!
“What a gloriously daring and explosive film. Audaciously, it’s a film that invites us to love the monster.” Xan Brooks, The Guardian.