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Director: David Bickerstaff
Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers are some of the most iconic paintings in the world. Exhibition on Screen opens the doors to an extraordinary show in Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum, that brings together five of Van Gogh’s Sunflower paintings from museums in London, Philadelphia, Tokyo, Munich and Amsterdam. EOS goes beyond the amazing visual beauty of these images to explore the many questions that surround these works: Why was Van Gogh obsessed with the exotic sunflower, and how do the paintings change from version to version? And what did scientists discover when they analysed the works in detail? All will be revealed in this dazzling film, which celebrates a popular (but often still misunderstood) artist, in incredible high-definition detail on Cinestudio’s immersive screen.
“I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream.” Vincent Van Gogh.