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Director: Orson Welles
1962, France/Italy/West German, 119min., NR
Cast: Anthony Perkins, Arnoldo Foà, Jess Hahn
Film fans, save the date/s to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of The Trial, in a new 4K restoration of the original 35mm film! It is completely understandable that the great American director Orson Welles exiled himself to Europe in 1948, after rumors that he was a Communist sympathizer. And it also makes perfect sense that he wanted to film The Trial, Franz Kafka’s classic of a man accused by the state for a vague crime. Set in 1960s London, Anthony Perkins (Psycho) is marvelously edgy as Kafka’s Josef K., arrested in the middle of the night without explanation. As his persecution intensifies and execution looms, Josef K. hires a barrister (Orson Welles) who is more malevolent than helpful. Given freedom to experiment with lighting, camera movement and editing, Welles’ film, like Citizen Kane, still inspires filmmakers around the world. “Welles’ most touching film… is simply overwhelming seen on a movie screen.”-Wesley Morris, San Francisco Examiner.